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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What lie is the Jagr (heel) on koho 2260 blade

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I recently taped up my ball hockey stick (shaft plus abs balde) and i practiced shooting outside for a bit and when i looked at the bottom of the tape job the only part worn out was the middle, this is good, iam suppose to have it wear out at the middle so iam using the right lie, so i check up a blade chart and they say that the jagr curve for koho is n/a so what lie is the koho 2260 jagr curve, its a deep heel curve with a round toe and the loft is closed. So waht is the lie of the jagr heel curve.

Thnx in advance.

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Pretty sure it's 5ish. I had a 3380 or something like that and it seemed to be fairly low. It's been a while so I may be off.

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Does anyone else know the exact lie of it? because the lie on the heel jagr is definitly the lie for me, it wears out so evenly.

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