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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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whats the best photo shop out right now?

I use 7.0, I really didnt like CS2 and I havent bothered to try CS3 yet

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whats the best photo shop out right now?

CS3 only because of Smart Filters and Device Central.

IF i were you, i would'nt bother with it, though. Try to get 7.0 or atleast CS1.

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I was bored amd decided to fool around with photoshop. Some actually came out pretty cool :D






^JR's spinner idea



If you have any, please post 'em :blink:

I wish my CCM's were on spinners

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this may be a bit off topic, but anyway, I was just looking at those RBK pumps. The black and white only ones do look good by the way. Does anyone here really think that the pros skates actually have a bladder in them or its just a gimmick??? I dont know I just find it hard to believe that a pro who gets custom made skates needs or would use something like this Maybe its just me.

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some kswiss grafs could change to match kit colours before game, sorry used paintshop aint to good at it yet


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