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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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How do you get the holders so nice on skates?

I just downloaded that Gimp program and my holders suck.

I tryed to make some holders on 9K pump skates blue but I couldnt get the lines nice and even and they turned out like crap.

Can you please help me WHBD or someone else

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How do you get the holders so nice on skates?

I just downloaded that Gimp program and my holders suck.

I tryed to make some holders on 9K pump skates blue but I couldnt get the lines nice and even and they turned out like crap.

Can you please help me WHBD or someone else

They are not going to line up perfectly. You can rotate them and resize them as best as you can and then use the brush to color in the empty space to look like the outsole.

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Well iam just coloring the stock holders on some xxx skates and how do you get the lines so nice and even and not choppy?

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I was bored and was playing with my color swap feature on my camera and made my synthesis pink for you know who(our favorite pink-obsesed member) ;)


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So I'am pretty much terrible at photoshop.

It took me 45 mins just to do this skate and I absoulutly butchered it.

Oh well I tryed




T-Blades new invention

Invisible holders, 95% Lighter then before



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I was bored and was playing with my color swap feature on my camera and made my synthesis pink for you know who(our favorite pink-obsesed member) ;)


if you are reffering to me,i would definately buy that.

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I was bored and was playing with my color swap feature on my camera and made my synthesis pink for you know who(our favorite pink-obsesed member) ;)

if you are reffering to me,i would definately buy that.

of course I meant you! haha.

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Which icon is that?

Its not an icon. There should be a link at the top of the program along the lines of "edit image" and it should be in there somewhere.

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Ignore my PM

I can't seem to find this button

I don't think that Gimp has such a button

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Yah I figured that out but know iam having a problem getting the holder a certain color.

I use that magic wand thinger and put it on the holder and it makes those lines all around it but it does a really crappy job.

How do you guys make holders nice and even?

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Yah I figured that out but know iam having a problem getting the holder a certain color.

I use that magic wand thinger and put it on the holder and it makes those lines all around it but it does a really crappy job.

How do you guys make holders nice and even?

Try the magnet thing or manualy select it yourself (as in draw around it)

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