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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Leafs season ticket holders

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Hey guys,

I know some of you are leafs season ticket holders, and just wondering if any of you were at the welcome back party last night. I was there at the ACC, met Sundin, Clark, Quinn, Ferguson and some oldies. It was pretty fun, we actually got FREE pizza instead of $10 slices.

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Hey guys,

I know some of you are leafs season ticket holders, and just wondering if any of you were at the welcome back party last night. I was there at the ACC, met Sundin, Clark, Quinn, Ferguson and some oldies. It was pretty fun, we actually got FREE pizza instead of $10 slices.

Cool and I think you mean $10 samples.

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I was supposed to go, but had to work, my dad went with the other guy who he splits his seats with. He said it was alright, he was impressed with Maurice and how well he handled the crowd. He didn't see Clark or get any autographs because there was a huge line. He went into the dressing rooms and found some underway where he saw Joe Bowen. There's some odd chemistry between Bowen and him, its weird as hell. It seems at all of these events he talks to him for like 20 minutes or so. I guess last night he just said hi, but my Dad didn't talk to him, said he was upset at the guy Bowen was with for punching out Brian Glenny years ago :). He went last night.

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I was supposed to go, but had to work, my dad went with the other guy who he splits his seats with. He said it was alright, he was impressed with Maurice and how well he handled the crowd. He didn't see Clark or get any autographs because there was a huge line. He went into the dressing rooms and found some underway where he saw Joe Bowen. There's some odd chemistry between Bowen and him, its weird as hell. It seems at all of these events he talks to him for like 20 minutes or so. I guess last night he just said hi, but my Dad didn't talk to him, said he was upset at the guy Bowen was with for punching out Brian Glenny years ago :). He went last night.

My dad and I got SO lucky. As soon as we heard we could tour the dressing rooms, we went over, and were about the 3rd people in line. Wendel was at the entrance of the rooms, and I got him to sign my hat and got a picture. Then as soon as we were done, we went over to where we saw some people crowding around, and mats sundin was there, signing stuff. So while I was waiting in that line, My dad went over to meet quinn and got him to sign my yearbook. Then they said there were only 5 minutes until the players had to go up on stage, and almost right after he signed my Sundin jersey, he was called up on stage. It was pretty sweet.

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I was supposed to go, but had to work, my dad went with the other guy who he splits his seats with. He said it was alright, he was impressed with Maurice and how well he handled the crowd. He didn't see Clark or get any autographs because there was a huge line. He went into the dressing rooms and found some underway where he saw Joe Bowen. There's some odd chemistry between Bowen and him, its weird as hell. It seems at all of these events he talks to him for like 20 minutes or so. I guess last night he just said hi, but my Dad didn't talk to him, said he was upset at the guy Bowen was with for punching out Brian Glenny years ago :). He went last night.

My dad and I got SO lucky. As soon as we heard we could tour the dressing rooms, we went over, and were about the 3rd people in line. Wendel was at the entrance of the rooms, and I got him to sign my hat and got a picture. Then as soon as we were done, we went over to where we saw some people crowding around, and mats sundin was there, signing stuff. So while I was waiting in that line, My dad went over to meet quinn and got him to sign my yearbook. Then they said there were only 5 minutes until the players had to go up on stage, and almost right after he signed my Sundin jersey, he was called up on stage. It was pretty sweet.

I got to play golf with Wendel, and Ken Holland this year. It was pretty tight.

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