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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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groin injuries

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Well, in march I was at a regular practice with my team. We were working on the powerplay and I was on the point. My winger moved the puck up to me and as I wound up, one of the defenders hit me (this kid, btw, is crazy. He ended up getting a 30 game suspension later in the season). My right leg stayed planted but my left was pulled behind me. It hurt like a *****, but I shook it off and kept going. So, next time through, I get the puck and take a slapshot. My left leg gives out and hurt so badly I left practice. I ended up just icing it that night, and skipped going to the doc. I played the rest of the season (about 15 games) and this summer. Now I'm starting to practice with my split season midget team, and it still bothers me alot. Are there any excersises (sp?) to help strengthen that area? Any help would be appreciated.

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staying off of it until you see your doctor would be a better idea that trying to keep skating. I know it sucks and you never want to admit you're hurt, but do you really want to risk your whole season over something that could be healed with a doctor's help in 2 or 3 weeks?

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sounds like you didnt do something to your groin, but to your Hip Flexor. it feels a lot like a groin injury. thats a terrible injury if you keep playing on it. i had it myself early last season and ended up out half the season because i tried to come back too early, and even now i can feel the stress on it when i skate. definately see a doctor and an athletic trainer about it and keep icing. if your still skating on it STOP, because if you tweak it any more it could become a big problem.

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