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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ear piercing

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I have mine gauged to a 6 going bigger soon but just left them smaller for soccer in the summer but don't skip gauges use every gauge it'll be expensive but worth it in the long run when you want them to close

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I have mine gauged to a 6 going bigger soon but just left them smaller for soccer in the summer but don't skip gauges use every gauge it'll be expensive but worth it in the long run when you want them to close

do you get yours done or something?

because im just doing what my friends told me to do , i just stuck a big safety pin in and after a few days im going to stick a bigger one in , and so on until i can fit the earings that i want in , theyre a 4g

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Just go to a tattoo/piercing shop and have the offical piercer of the studio do it. At the most, they do it for free when u buy the earring gauge you want in at that time. Or you can go the expensive route and do it a gauge at a time for $12 a gauge :blink:


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Just go to a tattoo/piercing shop and have the offical piercer of the studio do it. At the most, they do it for free when u buy the earring gauge you want in at that time. Or you can go the expensive route and do it a gauge at a time for $12 a gauge :blink:


do they just pierce it with like a 4 gauge needle and then slip the earing you want in?

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Ha, Chadd, lip piercers are wimps! Now if you want to be a real man, have your wang or scrotum pierced...

I was in Philly on Thursday and I was joking about what a pierced schlong would do at one of the metal detectors while we were waiting to get into the liberty bell display. It was the first time I had been there since I was a little kid.

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You know what Chadd? The funnest thing happened to me at there last year. I didn't know that i was wearing my belt w/ those metal pryimids and i forgot to take it off and i went through and nothing happened. When i got home to change i saw my belt and reliazied that i went through a metal detector. I was like OMFG!! :o

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