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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ebay auction bid history

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Yeah that always happens and it pisses me off. I was winning a bid for a $280 baseball bat, but the highest bid was like 5 bucks. The next time that i checked it was at like $300.

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Bid schilling is fairly common and HIGHLY unethical. Anyone that would do such a thing is a total douchebag. eBay also takes accusations of schilling very seriously so if you feel and auction has been artificially inflated you should report it. You can usually tell when a user with little to no feedback comes in and bids the auction up. That said, it's also a very common for hot items to sit around with a few low bids and then skyrocket at the end when everyone tries to outbid each other at the last minute. The prevelance of automated bidding programs to help people snipe isn't making it any easier.

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Ebay will only go after the little guys..not the power sellers..they have been horrendous at that because they don't want to lose the listing fees those people provide them..

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I never thought of it that way but you're right.

I've seen power sellers of CD's and DVD's who literally have hundreds, in not thousands, of negative feedback that they no had the item they were listing. If I was excited to win a CD I felt was hard to win, then found out they sold the item elsewhere, I'd be pretty bummed. I'm sure many bidders have told eBay about these sellers, but they're still making money.

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