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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U of M Goalie

Blank practice jersey

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Hey does anyone know of any good blank practice jersies? I know about CCM but they have that CCM logo pressed on the back right, I cant seem to find Aaron practice jersies anymore. I dont know if the Pear Sox jersey is what im looking for as I cant see a picture of them. So if anyone knows any good truly blank practice jersies please let me know, or how to remove that CCM logo from my current one.

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Yeah I would love a pic of the pear sox, I hear about em all the time but I can never see a picture of em or if I do they are like a cartoonish stock picture basically just displaying the color. I just want a jersey like the ccm one (same material, same style, smaller air holes) with no outside logos on it. Our coach is crazy what can I say

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Hey I also need a blank practice jersey in either navy blue or forest green in a goalie fit. If any retailers have any let me know and tell me the cost in CDn with shipping. Thanks a lot.

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Yeah I would love a pic of the pear sox, I hear about em all the time but I can never see a picture of em or if I do they are like a cartoonish stock picture basically just displaying the color. I just want a jersey like the ccm one (same material, same style, smaller air holes) with no outside logos on it. Our coach is crazy what can I say

Evidently my goalie cut ones are gone. They must have sold them on my day off.

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