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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove repalming

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I am getting My graf gloves repalmed because I don't like the material. I tried on some eagles that had a grey suede like palm is this mustang? It had a great feel of the stick. How is mustang for durability and is it also callled nash? Second on my old gloves they had a mesh/netting material from the padding from the fingers to the bottom or palm for ventilation. What is this caled so I can ask to have this done? I know goatskin is the standard how does mustang compare?

Thanks Sid

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My goatskin's were thicker than I expected, bu tthey feel pretty good and they're durability is great. They also hardly get stiff when they dry, and I sweat a while bunch. Mustang is the newer, more stretchy palm if I remember, and not too many have tried it. It's a choice between good and possibly better, not too bad.

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I have mustang palms on my eagles fusions ,you have unbelievable feel with them.IM so pissed they are too big for me.

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