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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weight Gain that works!

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Ok so I was talking to my trainer last night about the weight I put on this year.

And he said he didn't get into weight lifting untill he was about 21. During his 4-6th month he set a goal to become a pro. He told me (no lie) that this is about what he was eating every day.

40 eggs in different forms

3 steaks

3 pasta servings

4 chicken breasts

3 porkchops

4 saleds

2 servings of nuts

5 servings of fish

and as much milk and water as he could! :blink:

Of course as hockey players this isn't what we want to do.

But I just though I'd put it on here for you who think weight gain is easy.

BTW he put on 90lb in 8 months of muscle! Of course he was training with a personal trainer the entire time, so his body was using up the food. He said he was still getting up 3-4 times a night to force himself to eat.

The grocery bill almost killed him!

Please don't try this at home kids...............


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If each serving of steak, chicken, pork or fish cost $1 each, which I highly doubt, that would be $21 bare minimum in food, adding up to $630 per month, although $750+ would probably be more realistic.

As one who has exercised and put on 70 pounds over the course of my adult life, I can't for the life of me see how paying $500 to $600 more per month in food to "jumpstart" the process could be worth it, although I've known people to pay well over $700 for supplements and steroids.

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Jeez, I have easily spent many times that for a special liquid nutrient. It has helped me to put on 50 lbs also. But it is important to exercise properly too, hence my strict adherence to a regimen of 12 ounce curls. Sometimes I "go heavy" with 16 oz curls.

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It is the yolks that contain all the cholesteral. You can buy little "milk" cartons of egg whites in the supermarket and chow to your hearts content.

Speaking of which, in the old school days, weight lifters used to drink raw eggs. I guess the uncooked nature absorbs the protein better. They stoped doing it because they were all getting salmonella poisoning, so they started to cook them. But these new "egg beaters" egg whites are sold as "pasteurized". Does anyone know if this paseurization process kills the salmonella thoroughly enough to drink them raw again?

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Ive heard Yokuzuna (sp?) died cause of eating so many eggs - Cholesterol or something.

the wrestler? Yokozuna?

All I have to say about that diet is holy crap... he must have spent a good deal of time eating...

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That diet would screw almost anyone over for several reasons. And biff, cooking eggs actually makes the protein bio available to humans; uncooked eggs are much harder to processin the human body.

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