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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Flexlite 10

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Nike Flexlite 10 8.5D skated 20 hours in them(when i had a 9EE pair)

Specs: 180pound...6'1...15yr...playing 3-5 time a week have a pretty big feet(overall big feet)

Last skate: 1152 '02 with T'blades 8E..


Coming from the tacks...this is like wearing nothing...get the proper sizing skate and you will see these skate are so confortable...it like wearing ''sock'' the foam inside is sooo nice...not too bulky,just to make your feet feel nice without any pressure point!!!And when you get them bake it...they are even better fitted to your fit!!



IMO...that the niciest thing about these skate....the LS2 Holder is an really nice. well made holder...they are maybe the ligthest holder blade after the t,blades....but it not like a 25gr different in each holder that you would feel on ice...they are pretty good-looking holder too..and for 20 hours of skating...very durable,not one scrath!

Blades: the blade hold up a edge very nicely...maybe 6-7 hours...which is still pretty good...one downside: i don't like the backward pitch they have on the skate that why once profiled they feel number 1

8.5/10 (PP) with a profilage 9.5/10


They don't call it Flex LITE for nothing...they are sooo ligth...you really don't feel nothing in your feet...very well-made boot in this category...as for protection...the toe-cap is fully plastic which make it pretty protective...as for the rest...i did receive one puck on the side of the skate..hurt...maybe 3 minute lol...nothing major...receive some slashing at the back of the skate...nver felt something



I only skated in them for 20 hours....for from what i see...these skate didn't lost a 1% of their stiffness so i would say they are pretty well-made on this point

9/10(because i don't know if in the future they will break...)


Like i said...this is a pretty stiff skate...not too much but pretty good...a bit more than my 1152...the ankle support is there...hold everything in place...the tongue is really lite and well made...really like it!...if you like a bit more forward flex on it...just unlace the top eyelet(like i did)...i had some problem adjusting to the nike higher cut boot...but once you can get used to...they are real nice



For a mid range skate...at 350$ I think they are the BEST SKATE AVAILABLE for the bucket!! really...try to find a skate that has a nice holder + a lot of stiffness(great ankle support) and fit like a charm...i think Nike, with this new skate, are really going to be on the ass of CCM...

The thing i like the most with these skate is that they are kinda 85-90% clone to the high top skate F12...the major difference is the liner...and the perf steel...beside this....there not a lot of difference!

I give them a big!!! 9-9.5/10

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