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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going from an Easton Modano to Inno Federov...

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Is there a big difference?

None of my LHS's carry the Inno sticks so I may just buy one off ePuck. From what I can gather the lie is different (Easton 5 and Inno 4.5) and the federov has more toe curve.

Has anyone made this switch? Are they pretty similar? Did it take a while to get used to? I know it's personal preference... just looking for opinions.

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I switch between both all the time! The only difference IMO is the federov has a slighty lower lie (I like) and longer hosel, but nothing major! Inno blades have the best feel, I am sure you will love it!

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Is there a big difference?

None of my LHS's carry the Inno sticks so I may just buy one off ePuck. From what I can gather the lie is different (Easton 5 and Inno 4.5) and the federov has more toe curve.

Has anyone made this switch? Are they pretty similar? Did it take a while to get used to? I know it's personal preference... just looking for opinions.

They are the same blade except for the .5 lie.

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