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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Junior A/B Players

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Other than "super junior" sounding really cheesy, it's nice.

Yes, but it's perfect tie-in timing, because "Superman Returns" comes out next year! :P

(Even though the actor looks NOTHING like Superman..... :( )

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Other than "super junior" sounding really cheesy, it's nice.

Yes, but it's perfect tie-in timing, because "Superman Returns" comes out next year! :P

(Even though the actor looks NOTHING like Superman..... :( )

Anything is better than the Nick Cage piece of crap that was in the works. Borrow or rent a copy of the Kevin Smith DVD where he talks to college students around the country. The story about him being asked to write a treatment for them, it is hilarious.

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Is it just me or did this league go completely under? For one, Jason hasn't been around at all, and secondly, those websites haven't been updated since last September. Chalk it up as another league that never got a chance to bite the dust. Instead of "vaporwear" it's vaporleague.

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Doesn't matter... last thing North America needed was another "Junior" league. There's not enough talent to fill the existing ones.

The concept of a junior league in Florida was nice, but exposure? The EJHL has been able to eclipse the NAHL in NCAA DI signings simply because of their proximity to US colleges. Team budgets are tight enough, let's see, send the asst. coach to BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Green Bay where we know there's DI talent, or send them on a crapshoot to Florida where they end up watching Midget A hockey?

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