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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've been told by my LHS that CCM made custom OPS. He says that it's just 15 % more of the price. So do you know what you can custom (hand shape ? color ?...)

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I think that they will only make "custom" OPS in recently discontinued patterns from what I've heard. Don't take it as gospel but that's what I've heard.

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I´ve seen one dealer offer custom Vector V110 and V130 at a minimum of 15 Sticks. Those are the ones made through their factory in Finland, though. They vary a bit from the North American ones. Especially blade wise. They have much thinner blades. there was no price named and they also had this offer only for about 1 month during the off-season. I didn´t dig further though. Also that same dealer offered custom Synergy´s at that time. Minimum 12 Sticks. And they had custom TPS Adrenaline, too. The Adrenaline was a custom made to their company, similar to the THG stuff I guess. It was a Drury clone blade and they had 100 righties and 200 lefties he said.

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i would kill for an adrenaline or xn10 in a drury... :o

I could get you one no prob. But the price would kill you as well B)

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