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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming Drury clone?

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Boy, I'm supposed to be the one best qualified to answer this, but I don't think so. The truth is I'm not too familiar with the Drury but, from what I've read on the Pattern DB, I don't think we have anything comparable.

The G1 has Modano and Sakic equivalents.

The TF1 has Lidstrom, Sundin and Sakic equivalents.

The TF Evolution has Sakic, Sundin and Höglund.

Sorry! :(

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Boy, I'm supposed to be the one best qualified to answer this, but I don't think so. The truth is I'm not too familiar with the Drury but, from what I've read on the Pattern DB, I don't think we have anything comparable.

The G1 has Modano and Sakic equivalents.

The TF1 has Lidstrom, Sundin and Sakic equivalents.

The TF Evolution has Sakic, Sundin and Höglund.

Sorry! :(

The Sundin is as close as you will find, it's nearly identical to my old TPS P13.

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