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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Making the most of time

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Hi Guys

I always want to improve my game but lots of time I don't have any icetime for a few days. Since I live in BC I can play road hockey or in my garage year round but when I'm doing that I'm just shooting it around at stuff. Do guys know of any drills or practice routines that will be game like or help me for when I'm on the ice ? Aswell do you guys have any stickhandling drills or such that will help me improve my hands and my dangles?



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Jaromir Jagr puts a 45 pound plate down to the blade of his stick and goes back and fourth like 50 times holding his stick almost straight up. Then 50 times back and fourth along the ice. He then took it off and had his lightning hands, even so far away from his body. This kind of stregnth is invaluable to your forearms. I'd also try and get a set of nice grippers you can squeeze. Of course if you lift weights, you can incorporate these as excercises.

you can gain A LOT of speed just doing some sprints, both up hill and down hill and some jumping plyos.

But as far as your hands go, make sure you have a goal though, you can be creative and think of drills, but just make sure you're doing something.

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