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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sens equipment sale

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so today was the sens equpiment sale, they were selling everything, stick shafts gloves helemts jerseys socks pants elbos pad shoulder pads pants blades jocks tape skates and whatever else i missed oh and goalie sticks. i must say they had same amzing deals, i almost walked out with a pair of xx's for $200, i ended up buying 2 sticks, alfies synergy and i think neils xx for $75 each, an authentic practice ejrsey fro $25 and 2 pairs of game worn socks fro $10, it was pretty sweet what they had there, none of the newer sticks, and they have such ncie pants, they are really nice they also ahd used equipment, and they were selling ccm pumps for like $300

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Any Schaefer stuff? I got a PM about the sale and would like to get a jump on if I am getting something or not. How much were pants and gloves?

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