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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cleaning Used Equipment

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I brought shoulder pads, shin pads, elbow pads and hockey pants. They all smell pretty bad. How do you go about washing them? Without recking them or changing their color. Soap? Bleach? What could I use to kill any bacteria and reduce the smell.


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sorry to kind of piggy back of your topic, but is there anything you guys would recomend for cleaning skates?

Tilex Mold and Mildew remover,after every skate.Then when that dries Febreeze.

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I brought shoulder pads, shin pads, elbow pads and hockey pants. They all smell pretty bad. How do you go about washing them? Without recking them or changing their color. Soap? Bleach? What could I use to kill any bacteria and reduce the smell.


Whip another way of getting rid of the smell is during the summer leave them outside for a few days (2 or 3 days)...(as long as it doesn't rain). This should kill any bacteria and reduce or even get rid of the smell.

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i just use detergent and bleach, tilex mold and mildew work well for spot treating.

make sure you dont mix ammonia and bleach..

fill the tub, fill with hot water, detergent(2 cups or so), and bleach.. lots of bleach actually

take a brush and brush out what ever you can... concentrating on funky areas..

soak 24hours...


use tilex mold and mildow remover and brush out any remaining funky areas


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i just use detergent and bleach, tilex mold and mildew work well for spot treating.

make sure you dont mix ammonia and bleach..

fill the tub, fill with hot water, detergent(2 cups or so), and bleach.. lots of bleach actually

take a brush and brush out what ever you can... concentrating on funky areas..

soak 24hours...


use tilex mold and mildow remover and brush out any remaining funky areas


That's as likely to destroy the gear as it is to clean it.

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