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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Writing Cluster #1

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Only a man's character is the real criterion of worth.

-Eleanor Rooseevelt

Consider the above quote. What are the personality / character traits that you value the most? What traits do you think you possess that you feel are particularly valuable? Do you agree / disagree with the above quote? How does this relate to your own life / experiences?

So yeah, the above was taken directly from the English assignment that I have on the go right now. Unfortunately, I have been trying to wrap my mind around things for most of the day and have come up with nothing. With that said, I have turned to you, the people of MSH, to get your thoughts on the subject. You don't need to go in depth into all of the questions, I just need you to provide a little insight that can help me get the ball rolling because I am stumped right now.

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this is just subjective to whoever is answering the question. I don't know you so I don't know what certain aspects of character you find important. Maybe its honesty, dedication, respect, etc.

Pretty simple questions, seems super straight forward..

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There are a lot of directions we could go with this. But I think one way I could explain it is when I die I hope people say, "I'm glad that I knew him."

I think that is the highest praise anyone could give you.

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