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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL used equipment sales. . .

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hopefully the canucks could have some vapour 30's(sticks) i love them ,but if they did have any theyre wouldnt be many ,id wanna buy like 5

yah they probably would but the only Vapor XXX you'd get is Ruutu's unless your looking for XXX Lites.. Then you got Ohlund, Cooke, Allen and Morrison.

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I got my eye on the canadian one.For Kovy warrior shaft :P (sorry kovy) and maybe i will get a couple v130 and ribeiro mission.I dont know when but my best has season ticket so he will know before hand for sure.

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I got my eye on the canadian one.For Kovy warrior shaft :P (sorry kovy) and maybe i will get a couple v130 and ribeiro mission.I dont know when but my best has season ticket so he will know before hand for sure.

i tried to know since the last 2 year and with no luck...let me know if you know anything please!!

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