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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Blades

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Hey i was wondering what is the difference between this type of blade on the G3 the triangle looking pattern


and this one on the 705


like what is the diference becuase i have the blades like the 705s just a solid blade and its kinda rusted and im contriplated on getting the other blade on the G3, different steel? makes it lighter? and is it worth the extra 40$

the steel i got had like half a inch still left

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so is that better? stay sharper longer? is it worth another 40$?

I've skated exclusively on perf. steel for the last 4 years so I wouldn't be able to give an unbiased opinion. Exclude the 6-7 times that I've been on Kor's, and its been perf.

They aren't going to make your skate hold an edge longer, the type of steel will determine that. I.e. carbon, stainless..

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so in ur opinion what would u choose? a new steel or sumthing like tblades?

Steel, Tblades are awful especially if you can find a good sharpener near you.

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so is that better? stay sharper longer? is it worth another 40$?

IMO, both grafs steel sucks... compared to others. Rusts way to easy. It however is very hard steel and holds an edge quite well. Either breaks about the same. No advantage in one or the other, except prob longer life of the solid steel.

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