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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just curious about these skates. Considering grabbing a pair. The Labeda Millenium Ice Blues wheels worry me a bit. For a top of the line skate, I'd prefer some RR or Dynasty's, but Its not hit or miss, opinions on the wheels and skates in general would be great appreciated. I understand that this is their #2 skate in this line, but is still a top quality skate. The Beemers are a softer skate, where the BlueMax is a stiffer boot. Is this correct? Would you guys change out the wheels to a "top" quality wheel?

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You're right, the Blue Millens. are not "Top Quality" when compared to Labeda's flagship wheel in the past, the Dynasties (obviously the Genesis are the new top dawgs). You would expect to have a top wheel in a top skate (Beemers come with Dynasties), but I have to say the Millens are a very good wheel. I really don't think you will be upset with them. They grip very well, have a very good feel, and last a long time. I have had no major issues with my Millen wheels that I've gotten in the past.

The only issue you may have is that they might be too soft for your liking. I'm not sure about your stats, but I'm 5'7 165 or so and I don't really like an all xsoft setup. My Genesis wheels on the Code 1s are too soft for me. I'm using them now, but once they give out, I'm gonna change to a little harder wheel. Of course, all just PP.

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I'm currently skating in Blue Max's. Before that, I was in Nike Roller Daddy's. I like the Nike boot more than the Blue Max, but the Blue Max is still comfortable. The one problem I have with Tour skates are the tongues. For some reason it is the only brand where it shifts a lot on me. I've never had this problem with Mission, Nike, or Bauer.

I did switch out the wheels to Rink Rat Hotshots.

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The blue max are a nice skate, but still quite soft by ice skate standards (I guess comparable to graf, maybe). I had these skates, but found that they were to soft for my liking (I am 6-2, 93kgs). The skate is pretty comfy and wider fitting IMO, but I did find the X-soft labeda wheels far to soft and blew them out pretty quick! If you prefer a softer, widerfitting boot and can find them on close out deal, go for it!

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Im not a big fan of last years tour skates...I had redmax, bluemax and hated them both. The boot was cut too low for my liking and I blew out wheels like it was my job...I havent tried the beemer, everyone I spoke to loved them...

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Have had my bluemax for a few months now. Most comfortable skate I've ever worn (I have a wider foot), and the chassis is awesome. I switched the wheels out pretty quick because I'm heavier but they are servicable. Have gone through d1s,d2s,d2c,bauer 20-90s, and silvermax and I'm enjoying these the most. Skate isn't light but I wouldn't say heavy either. If they fit your foot I'd go for it.

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