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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone really into law?

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i have to find a few court cases where the defendant pleaded the fifth amendment. they have to be fairly "famous" court cases. I need to write a 2-3 page report on them which will be no problem once i find the actual cases. I highly doubt anyone will be able to help me but i figured it would be worth asking cause i know us hockey players are always the smartest ones in class too :rolleyes: lol

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Do you need actual cases or are you using them as examples in the paper, like this would be a situation to use it? I can't think of any off the top of my head, I'll try and see if I have any records downstairs from my Law classes, unfortunately they were wiped off the computer.

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actual cases so i can describe the case... this class is killing me... i like courses like math and history where its straight forward only one answer none of this look at the whole picture looking for flaws and stuff like that

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Make sure you cite some the DUI rulings that essentially state you can't assert your 5th amendment rights. The Miranda case is a famous one that resulted in the "miranda warning" police must read you if you are arrested. It was a result of a 5th amendment ruling from the supreme court.

This Should give you a good starting point, as should this.

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Make sure you cite some the DUI rulings that essentially state you can't assert your 5th amendment rights. The Miranda case is a famous one that resulted in the "miranda warning" police must read you if you are arrested. It was a result of a 5th amendment ruling from the supreme court.

This Should give you a good starting point, as should this.

I didnt' realize "Miranda" was named for a person. I mean, I knew it was a person...but I didnt' think it was a charged person. I thought maybe a lawyer or judge or something.

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i havent found anything yet but WOW!!!! this is definately an awesome site... you guys are always willing to help someone in need whether it be a broken stick, a phone number , a name of a song or even a homework assignment.. thanks again keep 'em coming if you want. thanks a lot chadd

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