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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Knee Tendinitis

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I recently got injured in a football game, and did not get it looked at by anyone, but looking at pages on the internet about knee injuries, I'm pretty positive that it's knee tendinitis (like a pulled muscle but a tendon, from what I've read)

I didn't get it looked at by anyone, and I do not plan to see a doctor anytime soon because they would tell me to stay out for 3 weeks probably... The team's trainer might look at it soon, I'm not sure. I do not want to rush back into it and make it worse than it is, because hockey is more important to me than football so I do not want to be hurt for hockey, but I'm the starting running back for our sophomore and JV teams and I need to be back ASAP because the other running backs are basically pieces of shit, if we even have another one (JV team is just the Varsity players who don't play, and there's only two of us). I'm also the starting kicker for our varsity team, and it doesn't hurt at all to kick (which I found pretty odd), so I'm going to continue to kick, I just won't play running back.

If any of you guys have ever had this injury, what did you do to heal it quicker, speed up the process, etc... How long will I be out for if I just rest it?

Thanks in advance.

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I've got terrible (chronic) tendonitis in my ankle, and from what I have found the best thing to do in order to help get back on the field is ice, rest, and ice. I hate the words as much as anyone else but I was told to stay off of it for 5-6 weeks and was out there in 3.

Funny that this comes up, I got hurt playing RB today, tore my bracho...:(

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