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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy 900 gloves

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Smart cuff is OK.. you can't really tighten it too much but it seems to have good protection.. the finger protection is alright, though in my first game i got slashed really hard and broke my pinky...

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Personally I would have shelled out a few extra bucks and gone for the 1300's but the 900 is a pretty good glove. Not too sure on the new smart cuff deal but I guess once broken in they offer great wrist protection so you can throw away those poly wrist bands. I ended up with the new Reebok 8K's this year and I chose those over the Eastons because the fingers in the Reeboks are longer. I found my hand felt too cramped in the Easton gloves. Although the Eastons are slightly lighter than the Reeboks I also find the Reeboks gave me better wrist protection all the way up to my cuffs on my elbow pads. Their more of a one piece design and are really just an update version of the old Jofa 9800 glove. Easton would be my second choice because they offer the smart cuff. I looked at the Vapor XX and XXX's and their not bad but they leave your wrist exposed when you bend your hand forward and I'd still have to wear my poly wrist bands for extra protection.

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