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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flattened Yzerman

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I currently use a Easton Z carbon with the Yzerman curve. But because of the lie and the way I skate, I lose a lot of pucks under the toe of the blade.

The Sherwood Bourque (according to the pattern db) looks like it might be the answer, but I have gotten the impression (rightly or wrongly) that Sherwood sticks are not well thought of.

Remarks and/or opinions?


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Personally, I think Sher-woods are the best wood sticks out there. The 5030 IMO has the best bang for your buck. Lots of players that I know use 5030s exclusively.

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If you're talking about their woodies, I love 'em.

I use the 5030's almost exclusively. I have never not one single time broken a shaft on a 5030. Blades are a different story, when I break a stick it is always in the same place, where the blade and shaft are joined.. I play twice a week (beer league,) and go through maybe 2 sticks a season. I picked up six 5030's on end of year clearance for $15 a pop, so $90 worth of sticks could posibly last me 3 years.

I've tried more the expensive Sherwood woodies and for whatever reason I break them like they are made of balsa wood. 3 games is lucky for me. That's why I stick with the 5030's.

I weigh about 200 lbs and my shots are about 50 - 50 slappers and wristers.

If you are still not getting how much I love their woodies, let me put it another way. I am what people call a gadget whore. If it is new, shiny, expensive, and high tech, I not only want it, I must have it. OPS's are new, shiny, expensive, and high tech, but I have never ever used one.

If you are asking about their composite and semi composite sticks, I can't help you there.

EDIT: I just want to point out that I had not read Del's post when I wrote mine. funny.

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I forgot about the composites, but I've heard good things about them as well. I held a Momentum in a shop at a rink I go to sometimes. It felt very well balanced, and was considerably light, given that it has a wood core (correct me if I'm wrong).

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I have a Sher-Wood 7000 Crosby 6 lie. In actuality, it is a 5 lie. So in that respect, perhaps Sher-wood sticks aren't well thought of. The make great sticks nonetheless. A cheaper alternative to Sher-Wood is Christian. Their 1000 is equivalent to the 5030, 2000 = 7000 and 3000 = 9950. Great sticks.

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sherwoods are great wood sticks, i have custom orderd 5030s to play with.

one note being, ive used the yzerman (my first curve) as well as the borque, you realize that they differ in lie? from a 6 to a 4.5? thats a big change... maybe too much of a change. i say it b/c i found my perfect lie to be 5, after using many blades of different lie.

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Personally, I think Sher-woods are the best wood sticks out there. The 5030 IMO has the best bang for your buck. Lots of players that I know use 5030s exclusively.

I never liked sher-wood blades for some reason, they just never worked for me. Considering the Christian 1000 uses similar materials and design for the shaft and is only $20, the 5030 ($28 locally) isn't such an great value.

As to the original question, look for some TPS wood sticks with the Sundin curve. It's the same type curve as an Yzerman in a 5 lie.

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Personally, I think Sher-woods are the best wood sticks out there.  The 5030 IMO has the best bang for your buck.  Lots of players that I know use 5030s exclusively.

I never liked sher-wood blades for some reason, they just never worked for me. Considering the Christian 1000 uses similar materials and design for the shaft and is only $20, the 5030 ($28 locally) isn't such an great value.

As to the original question, look for some TPS wood sticks with the Sundin curve. It's the same type curve as an Yzerman in a 5 lie.

its true about the blade. i never enjoy the feel of the sherwood wood blades, esp the sop's, i had to duct tape two layers on each side of the blades... to stickhandle right

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Personally, I think Sher-woods are the best wood sticks out there.  The 5030 IMO has the best bang for your buck.  Lots of players that I know use 5030s exclusively.

I never liked sher-wood blades for some reason, they just never worked for me. Considering the Christian 1000 uses similar materials and design for the shaft and is only $20, the 5030 ($28 locally) isn't such an great value.

As to the original question, look for some TPS wood sticks with the Sundin curve. It's the same type curve as an Yzerman in a 5 lie.

its true about the blade. i never enjoy the feel of the sherwood wood blades, esp the sop's, i had to duct tape two layers on each side of the blades... to stickhandle right

My bad, but there is noplace near me that sells Christian, so i was basically comparing to other wood sticks I've seen around here. I should have specified.

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