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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Jerseys

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I have tried searching, but could not find this question. When is the NHL going to start selling the newer RBK Jerseys? Are they just going to push their old stock and not advertise the new RBKs until later or are they selling them now? I can't find them.

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I believe just the authentics are going to be RBK - the replicas will be CCM.

That's what I was told by a retailer. The wording he used was "If you are lucky enough to find an Auth." That led me to believe that the only people getting RBK's this season were the teams, and that everything else is still CCM.

Our AHL play by play guy was saying the RBK's are much lighter than the old style CCM/Koho ones. Air Knit. But still heavier than replica's.

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