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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick lengths and flexes

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Is there a formula or guidelines out there that tells how much a stick's flex will increase when it is cut ? I'm thinking of buying a shaft (Novius 260) that I will need to cut about 4 inches and wondering how much stiffer it will be.

Also, while looking at some Novius shafts, untapered and tapered, I noticed that the latter is a little longer, and I seem to recall that Innovative shafts are a little longer than normal. Does the flex marked on a shaft describe the flex characteristics of shafts of common length ? Or does it tell how a given shaft will flex if uncut at the stock length ? I guess what I'm wondering here is whether a standard Novius (for instance) cut to a given length will flex the same as a tapered Novius cut to the same length (i.e. more of the tapered shaft is cut off), and whether the flexes in the MSH flex charts take into account the differences in lengths between manufacturers.

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Inno used to print a code on the shaft that denoted the exact flex, I don't know if they still do that or not. Since they used to be so exact, I would assume their measuerment was at full length.

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So Chadd, would you guess that e.g. 260 tapereds are made of a slightly stiffer composition than non-tapered 260s, given that the tapereds are a little longer but both have the same reported flex ? And do you know if the MSH flex DB is estimating flexes at fixed lengths or at full shipped lengths ?

Or is the difference in flex lost/gained from an inch or three pretty much insignificant ?

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