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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller boot for ice hockey

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Hey guys, im wondering if a roller boot could be mounted with an ice holder and still be protective enough. More specifically, if i put lightspeeds on a Hi-ho silver would it be protective enough? Mods, feel free to move this since i wasn't sure where to post it.



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it would work.... but take a puck in the foot and it would hurt pretty bad. ice hockey boots are a lot more protective than roller.

As for mounting the lightspeed holder, yeah it can be done. but if there are extra hholes in the boot they may need to be filled in, as well as any air holes like on the toe, otherwise you'll get a lot of water in there.

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Should def. work. I mean, I wouldn't use a roller boot for really competitive play like HS or Travel hockey. But for recreational leagues, why not? The reason I say so is because I trully feel ice and roller boots are designed differently to meet different needs. Further, I also truly believe that a top of the line roller boot is not nearly as well-built as a top of the line ice boot. Nobody, not even a Bauer rep., will be able to convince me that the roller 30-90 boot (top of the line) is as good as a Vapor XXX, XX or even a XIX for that matter.

My new Code1's are a great boot. Fantastic for roller. But I would never convert them to ice. First of all, the carbon outsole is chipping like crazy from being hit with a light roller puck. A heavier ice puck would destroy the things! Also, the boot is very light and all, but I would hate to be hit with an ice puck in the side of the foot in the Code1's.

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My new Code1's are a great boot. Fantastic for roller. But I would never convert them to ice. First of all, the carbon outsole is chipping like crazy from being hit with a light roller puck. A heavier ice puck would destroy the things

Really sounds like a great boot....

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