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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good core excersize..

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Someone mentioned to me a while back that doing dumbell presses on a balance ball was a good movement to strengthen your core. Well, I was doing some core work last night, and decided to give it a shot.. For whatever reason, presses on the ball didn't seem to do anything to work my core, so I started experimenting and found something else that worked really well for me..

Lay on the ball like you're going to do a press, but instead of two DB's, just use one. Use both hands and hold it way out above your head with your arms fully extended. Slowly twist your body to one side using your legs and core to maintain balance. When you've gone all the way to one side (shoulders perpendicular to the floor and arms paralell to it) roll back to the center and then repeat the movement to the other side..

It seems like this sort of twisting action recruits many of the muscles used when you shoot the puck. Since I'd never done this before, I used a pretty light 15lb dumbell. I wasn't falling off the ball with fatigue, but I could feel lots of muscles really working to move the weight and maintain my balance on the ball. I felt no discomfort or heavy stress on my back or anything else, so I might go heavier next time...

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