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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade holder pitches

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I get a different answer from every sales person in every shop when I ask what the "out-of-the-box" pitch of the various blade holders are. Can you help me fill in the blanks? Also, if I've got something wrong, please correct me.



Tuuk Custom = 4 degrees

Tuuk Custom+ = 4 degrees

Light speed = 6 degrees

Light Speed II = 6 degrees

All Bauer steel radius = 9ft


Prolite 3 = 8 degrees

E-Blade = ???

E-Blade Pro = ???

All CCM steel radius = 10ft


Cobra NT 3000 = 6 degrees

All Graf steel radius = 11 ft


Razor Bladz II = ???

Steel radius = 9ft

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If anybody could fill all the info there..IT SHOULD BE STICKY or put in the SKATES-HOLDER REVIEW...

Really...there is so many people posting about these question( i did like 3 post on that topic...really helpful)

1.By the way...I don't think cobra are 6degres...because LS are a 2backward pitch and graf are forward pitch... like Prolite3 are too...do i am wrong??

2.T'BLADES are pretty like Prolite3 pitch...

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2.T'BLADES are pretty like  Prolite3 pitch...

I was just about to ask about those...Oh well. :)

BTW, that's a great idea about stickying to the review section, or maybe a chart up next to the pattern db.

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