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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pasi Nurminen

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Whats goin on with Pasi Nurminen. He was one of the goalies assigned to me in a league but he's NA. Is he not signed, not playing, playing somewhere else? should I drop him and pick up Cujo (highest ranked goalie left, starting goalie for PHX as of right now) or keep Nurminen? Same thing, when will Nick Boynton be playing. You guys expect him to sign finally and play?

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Nurminen blew out his knee, drop him ASAP. Boynton will eventually sign with someone.

Chadd, you hear any rumours on Boyntons possible destinations?

There's the Toronto rumor but that makes no sense considering their cap situation. I've also heard Rangers and Panthers. Bruins have said they will not trade him but there is a chance of him getting an offer sheet, a very slim chance.

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