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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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broken collarbone

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i broke my collarbone last night and i wanna know from whoever else has done it if hitting is ever the same ,cause i dont think ill hit again :( and how long before ill get a t shirt on?

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i tee'd a guy up on the boards sideways ,went in and as i went in and tuched him i heard a pop and my coach even heard it and yeah

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Oh I'm sorry to here that man. I broke mine twice in the same spot 3 months apart and it sucked. You probably won't be able to get a shirt on or off for a couple of days, because of the overwelming pain. Also, hitting won't be as bad as you think. It takes a little getting used to, but after a couple of hits, it feels great

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I broke my collar bone twice last year. I could get my shirt on and off very slowly but that might be cause i only broke it half way through. but whatever you do, do not get straight back on the ice when the doctor clears you. I went back the first night I was cleared and broke it again. You can never be too sure.

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I broke mine last winter and I wore the same shirt for a week ,but the doctor said 6 weeks for me and I went back at 6 but I just got bumped and it hurt alittle so I took another week off and it was fine,plus I got hammered about 5 times the first game back at 7 weeks and it didnt hurt so I wasnt scared to hit anymore after that.

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Once it's fully healed it is stronger than the rest of the bone, it will break somewhere else before the same spot breaks again.

I was about 3 months before playing again. Falling down on the ice can hurt more than a hit!

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My freid broke his. He got hit in practise and didn't even fall over and it broke in two places. He was in a wheel chair for a couple weeks and dindt go to school for about a month. He missed most of the hockey season. He has a huge bump on it were it joined together. He hits the same as before I think except sometimes it hurts him.

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Once it's fully healed it is stronger than the rest of the bone, it will break somewhere else before the same spot breaks again.

I was about 3 months before playing again. Falling down on the ice can hurt more than a hit!

Are you sure about that because It was 2 months after I broke it the first time, it was completely healed, and I broke it in the exact same spot.

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