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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synthesis Elite SMU Pant

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I'm in the market for new pants. I have Tackala Pro Light pants right now and love the protection them but they are just too small in lenght. They are size 48. I was looking around and found Easton Synthesis Elite SMU Pants and have never seen these before. Here is the link- http://www.hockeymonkey.com/synthesiselitehpsr.html Has anyone seen/used/have these pants? I really couldn't find a review on them. They seem pretty nice. I was thinking size 50 so the lenght is a bit longer. Can someone leave some input on these pants? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Easton high end hockey pants like the Synthesis Elite are some of the most protective on the market. I know there was a fit issue with the Z-Airs but regardless they where second to none when it came to offering excellent protection. Most pros opted to wear the Easton Air which offered the same level of protection with a better fit. If its protection you looking for it is right up there with the best in the industry. ;)

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