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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Johnny Confident

Innovative True1

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Hockeyoutlet.com has them for $120.00 and I was thinking of picking one up, but I am kinda leery of doing that due to so many conflicting opinions on the stick.

I read the reviews here and the people that reviewed it seemed to like it, but when I did a search and looked through a ton of threads, a lot of people seemed to have durability issues with them.

I just don't want to drop $120 on a stick if it's got a history of breaking easily. Then again, I have had 2 stealths and they are still going strong.

Another option for me would be to go with the Novius tapered shaft and the Fedorov inno blade, and that would cost me an additional $50.00 if I went through epuck.

Opinions, please :)

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ive used both the true1 and the tapered novius shaft. i felt the true1 had awesome feel and it shot well for me,but the top of the balde cracked (problem with a few true1s). the novius is a nice shaft as well, its been a tank for me

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ive used both the true1 and the tapered novius shaft. i felt the true1 had awesome feel and it shot well for me,but the top of the balde cracked (problem with a few true1s). the novius is a nice shaft as well, its been a tank for me

Do you use an Inno blade with the Novius? How has that held up?

And if you had to choose between a $120 True1 and a $100 Novius tapered shaft, which one would you go for?

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Mine has been collecting dust for some time now, the flex is finally in my ballpark so I will probably try it again but so far I can't seem to get off any sort of wrister with it.

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ive used both the true1 and the tapered novius shaft. i felt the true1 had awesome feel and it shot well for me,but the top of the balde cracked (problem with a few true1s). the novius is a nice shaft as well, its been a tank for me

As I've mentioned before, both of my True 1s also cracked along the top of the blade after relatively little use. The result is that the top part of the blade goes really soft (can bend it easily with my hand). Balance and feel are very good, but the sitck not worth the cash (even at that price) IMO because of the blade risk. I am using tapered Inno blades now and love them - very durable. The combo is the better option IMO, but I've never used a Novius shaft.

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ive used both the true1 and the tapered novius shaft. i felt the true1 had awesome feel and it shot well for me,but the top of the balde cracked (problem with a few true1s). the novius is a nice shaft as well, its been a tank for me

As I've mentioned before, both of my True 1s also cracked along the top of the blade after relatively little use. The result is that the top part of the blade goes really soft (can bend it easily with my hand). Balance and feel are very good, but the sitck not worth the cash (even at that price) IMO because of the blade risk. I am using tapered Inno blades now and love them - very durable. The combo is the better option IMO, but I've never used a Novius shaft.

What shaft are you using with your Inno blades?

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ive used both the true1 and the tapered novius shaft. i felt the true1 had awesome feel and it shot well for me,but the top of the balde cracked (problem with a few true1s). the novius is a nice shaft as well, its been a tank for me

As I've mentioned before, both of my True 1s also cracked along the top of the blade after relatively little use. The result is that the top part of the blade goes really soft (can bend it easily with my hand). Balance and feel are very good, but the sitck not worth the cash (even at that price) IMO because of the blade risk. I am using tapered Inno blades now and love them - very durable. The combo is the better option IMO, but I've never used a Novius shaft.

What shaft are you using with your Inno blades?

Misson tapered shafts

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