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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Louisville TPS Sundin Curve....

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Anyone know where I can find a pic or have one?...or know the specs on this curve?...I cant find it in the pattern database?...Its suppose to be a stock curve now for them...Thanks

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It's was the Brendl.

True. They have pretty good pics of all the curves on their website as well and you can view them in both LH and RH which I really thing is a nice option.

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Anyone know where I can find a pic or have one?...or know the specs on this curve?...I cant find it in the pattern database?...Its suppose to be a stock curve now for them...Thanks

I added the Sundin to the pattern DB.

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If you really need a pic, let me know, I have a couple of the JR R2 blades and Omega sticks that I can use as "models".

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If its not to much trouble to add a pic chadd I would like that...cant get enough pics on this site(lol)...This site is the best by far on the web wouldnt you all agree?

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