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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new shin pads

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I just came home from an hour of inline and noticed that I killed one of the knee shells on my good old Jofa JDP 5090´s. I had them for like almost 10 years now.....so I basically haven´t cared about shin pads at all lately. Anyone can give a hint or suggestion on some good current products? I loved the protection on the Jofa´s but I always thought they were a bit bulky. Maybe I´m looking for some lighter or more slim fitting ones at the cost of lower protection. That would be okay for me. Oh yes, I need 16" by the way in case some models are not made in that size.

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I like the M1 shins, they may not work if you have big legs though.

Actually my lower legs are pretty thin. I just looked at the M1´s and they seem pretty okay but maybe just a little too wide for me. I can´t see what kind of inlay/padding they got unfortunately. i had to tighten my old ones with plenty of tape otherwise they wouldn´t have stayed in place. :D Maybe I should just get some really basic or smallish ones especially for roller? I am a little undecided right now.

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