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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pants question

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ive been doing a lot of reading of past forums about pants, however there isn't too much specific information i need.

this is regarding bauer and rbk pants. im choosing between teh bauer 6000 and 6k. however, i dont know anyting about the rbk 6k pants. then someone in the forum said that the 8000 was way better than the 6000, so im thinking maybe an extra 40 bux maybe worth it.

so if anyone could give me some info regarding the 6k pants, and the difference between 6000 and 8000. and of which 6k, 6000, and 8000 is the better pant for the price?

thanks so much

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i got those bauer 6000 and they fit me perfect length wise..but around the waist they are to big...there spinal protection is huge and my jersey is sticking up and it looks retarded...theyre great pants..but i would suggest going a size under what you would normally get..they have two layers of padding around the waist... and only one if none are needed where it is...(its to high up)

ive never tryed the rbk.

overall i would say the bauers are awsome pants...ive heard the eights are better two and if your gonna spend that much money just go ahead and get the higher end model for a little more.( i got em new for 30 on ebay)

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I have the 6000 pants, and all I can say is that they are IMO the best pant for the money, although I have heard some good things about the new Missions, but I can't vouch for them. The 6000 are very protective, relatively light, and have great mobility.

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