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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rinkrat Wheels Questions

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I'm currently using Hi-lo Redstar Stillettos that are a 74a durometer. |I'm wondering whether or not switching to Rinkrat wheels (hornets/hotshots) will make a difference in my game. I'm an intermediate defensemen. Currently I'm sliding all over the place.


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Rink Rats are the best wheel I have used up to this point. Others say good things about the Dynasty's, but I have not used them. I don't think you could go wrong with either. I went for the Hot Shots since they were cheaper, and have no regrets.

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I just bought some tonight and they are awesome and definitely worth it. I got the red hot shots i believe. I play a hard stop and go game and I looked at the wheels after the game and not even a mark.

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  ExitTwoEighty said:
I just bought some tonight and they are awesome and definitely worth it. I got the red hot shots i believe. I play a hard stop and go game and I looked at the wheels after the game and not even a mark.
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Wow. Someone who skated on the wheels once and after one skate thinks they are durable and awesome and 'worth it'. I'm going to out to buy a couple sets right now after reading such a thoughtful, in depth, unbiased review!

Clboy, there are a couple well done reviews in the review section. I recommend you to read them if you haven't already. I also wrote a short impression of the wheels after a couple skates which you can find if you use the search. About 5 skates after that review, my impressions are the same as in that one and durability after about 7-8 skates is very good. But I will reserve writing a full review until at least a half dozen more skates.

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I bought the hotshots about a month ago. I play in 2 different leagues. These are the best wheels i have ever used. I had unity's before and I thought they were decent but after trying these. Wow. I am not heavy but I do skate aggresively and these wheels are holding up no problem. They seem to get better the more you skate. I would deffinately recommend them.

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My son has used Rink Rats since January 05/04 in both MLRH and PIHA play....they still grip as well as if not better than when new..some hazing(small cracks) in the surface now, but no loss of performance...plays and practices 3- 4 times a week on sport court. These are the Hornets. we also tried some in 03, but this was when they were still having problems....they still lasted 2 months though.

He tried the Dynasties when he got them on some new Hi Ho's...his critique of the performace was..."if I hadn't already used the Rink Rat's, I would think these were great wheels...." however the Dynasties also chunked out in the second usage..in the first period of a game..so they didn't last too long on the skates. His comment was made after practicing with the Dynasties when he first got the HiHo's, which had the Green Dynasties as stock wheels.

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