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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL rookie race over...

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yep that's right it's over... Ovechkin 2006 rookie of the year. You heard it here first. 2 goals so far in his first game... Remember this guy lead his team in scoring last year in a MENs league and not some boy league like crosby.

One game does not a season make. Plus, Ovechkin's goals came off sweet feeds, his first when he was left completely open (can we say defensive breakdown). That said, the guy has a cannon for a shot. The thing that impressed me about the highlights of Crosby was that he attacked the net with the puck and the goal he set up was a thing of beauty.

And before you start giving out awards, Ovechkin was shooting on Leclaire, Crosby on Brodeur.

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