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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 500 Pant

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Any body have any comments on this pant? I play Men's league hockey, and need some new pants. It seems to be what I would like to get, but I haven't seen it yet. Any first hand knowledge on this pant would be great. Thanks.

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We sell them in our shop. At the price point, they are second in sales to Bauer 6000. The thigh pads seem a bit like a beer keg, really rounded. The protection is very good. Weight is fine, not heavy. Pants are always a matter of fit. Some models just fit better on the player than others, no matter the protection.

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My younger son has them, and the only problem he came across was the stomach pad. It's a little high in my opinion and he ripped the loop attaching it to the belt the second time he wore them. Other than that, a nice pant.

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I have them and they're an awesome pant. Really light and seemm to protect well from all the falls and hits I've taken. One word of caution though, don't go by the size on the label. I bought an XL because my waist is a 38. I got home to put them on and they were huge so I had to go one size down and they fit fine.

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