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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pics of blades in DB?

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I know we have the Pattern DB, which is a great resource, but is there any way we could add pics to the Pattern DB? Sometimes words just don't capture the true meaning, ya know.

Spoke too soon...Just saw the "Pic" part at the very last column of the DB chart. How do you post pics there?

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LOL, so what's the purpose of the the "Pic" column then?

Perhaps we can create a "Locked" thread. Kinda like what JR does for the different deals he gets?

I'm sure people would agree that a pic database would be very resourceful, and stop the unending questions like, "What does the retail Iginla look like?"

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LOL, so what's the purpose of the the "Pic" column then?

Perhaps we can create a "Locked" thread. Kinda like what JR does for the different deals he gets?

I'm sure people would agree that a pic database would be very resourceful, and stop the unending questions like, "What does the retail Iginla look like?"

We've discussed this a number of times and the problem is two people can never get the exact same angle. Then we have people complain that whatever picture is wrong, or they want a pic from a different angle, etc....

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Ahh, true, I guess I can see it becoming problematic.

I guess we'll all have to deal with the Blade/Patter/Pics posts then.

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