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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno curves

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I think the mogiliny is closer to an easton Sackic actually. Playa28: try calling hockeyansskateoutlet.com , they had quite a bit of stuff in the shop that wasn't listed on the website. I was just in there shop and picked up a could True ! kovalev's in 260 with no grip, their website didn't say that they had that particular setup in RH.

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Draper is their Sakic clone

Jovo is like a Lidstrom

Mogilny is like an Iggy

Federov is like a Modano/Forsberg

McCarty is like a P71

Kovalev is like a Drury

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Draper is their Sakic clone

Jovo is like a Lidstrom

Mogilny is like an Iggy

Federov is like a Modano/Forsberg

McCarty is like a P71

Kovalev is like a Drury

Mogilny is a lot more open than Iggy.

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