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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Asham Pro Stock

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I was at a Source For Sports in Oakville and they had Pro stock Syn's on for 119 so i took a look and found a curve i absolutly loves. It has a modanoish blade face with a small dip by the heel of the blade like a lidstrom. The curve is about modano but more heel and less mid. any ways as we were leaving my dad ripped the stickers off and im shure it had said Asham as the name of the pro stock. If anyone has pics of this curve could you please post em up.

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If it were pro-stock it'd be in the nameplate...? If it's blank there then it's presumably something like an RP100, DP100, MR100, etc.

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I'm at a loss then. Usually if they're blank, they're SP, DP, RP, YP, MR, LR, SR. At least those are the ones I've seen, except for early on I'd seen some blank Havlat and Brad Richards.

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