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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Simulated Ice?

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What are some sites for simulated ice? I found one called Ez-Glide and I was curious what others are available. Im not sure how much I would want right now since I would have to measure the area. But if anyone could supply some information it would greatly be appreciated.

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It is all wicked expensive. I found a small rink's worth on ebay for a reasonable price--I would check there. But it is also wicked heavy, so transportation charges will be very high. You actually can skate on the stuff, stickhandle, shoot, etc. It wears the heck out of your skate blades so you need a pair of junk skates for the synthetic ice, and other skates for your hockey. Also, don't try to spray on any of the glide enhancers (glycerine), because although they increase the skating glide, they make it impossible to stickhandle the puck any more.

You need a FLAT area to put it down! I put mine in a barn with a drooping wood floor, and ended up spending half of my time trying to shim it all up to be level! A nice flat garage or basement concrete floor would be ideal.

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It is all wicked expensive. I found a small rink's worth on ebay for a reasonable price--I would check there. But it is also wicked heavy, so transportation charges will be very high. You actually can skate on the stuff, stickhandle, shoot, etc. It wears the heck out of your skate blades so you need a pair of junk skates for the synthetic ice, and other skates for your hockey. Also, don't try to spray on any of the glide enhancers (glycerine), because although they increase the skating glide, they make it impossible to stickhandle the puck any more.

You need a FLAT area to put it down! I put mine in a barn with a drooping wood floor, and ended up spending half of my time trying to shim it all up to be level! A nice flat garage or basement concrete floor would be ideal.

How long have you had it? How long does it last? Would you recommend it? Does it still perform in freezing temperatures?


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that something if you have a big garden/house(better yet you can put it in the house...) and the compagny live near you(no shipping cost)

and you have 2 son that are 5 and 8( let say) by playing each day they will improve for sure!!and have a lot of fun...

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