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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood Momentum RM7

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Hey, i recently bought a stick at my LHS, its called a Sher-Wood Momentum RM7, its a composite stick and from what i can see its a true one piece. Ive never heard of this stick and i think its pro stock because it says '22 LID', im guessing LID means lidstrom as the blade is quite lidstromy. They were all 95 flex. and btw the werent all pro stock as some had spezza, crosby curves and half off my team have them. So have any of you guys seen or heard of them?

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Yeah i am, Northen Ireland to be exact and i got it from the shop in Dundonald(you proably dont know it). Its a really nice stick, its lite, prefect flex, awesome curve.

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RM7 is very similar to the XD, but without grip. Yeah they do make a Coffey.

None of the XD's I have seen around here have had any grip.

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RM7 is very similar to the XD, but without grip. Yeah they do make a Coffey.

None of the XD's I have seen around here have had any grip.

Really, kinda weird cause I have not seen any XD without grip, lol.

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how do you know if its durable? and what do you mean by lidstrommy curve? i dont think he uses his retail curve....

I know its durable because ive took a good few slashs to it and i mean the retail lidstrom curve and playa28 ill try get a pic of it

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