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heatley's visor?

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anyone know what model heatley's visor is? i'm pretty positve its an oakley, but i've never seen it before. i'm looking for a wider shield like that. the pro aviator is the closest i've come and that's not nearly the same size as heatley's. thanks.

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its like standard oakley moded up, looks like they took the part off the top where it would attach to the cage mounting screws and maybe drilled some holes in the side

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anyone know what model heatley's visor is? i'm pretty positve its an oakley, but i've never seen it before. i'm looking for a wider shield like that. the pro aviator is the closest i've come and that's not nearly the same size as heatley's. thanks.

Does his attach at the top or just he sides...I found this on the CCM site VC910


Maybe Heatley has a modified version of this one??????

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anyone know what model heatley's visor is? i'm pretty positve its an oakley, but i've never seen it before. i'm looking for a wider shield like that. the pro aviator is the closest i've come and that's not nearly the same size as heatley's. thanks.

Does his attach at the top or just he sides...I found this on the CCM site VC910


Maybe Heatley has a modified version of this one??????

His visor doesn't have an ark in it and it's espescially long because of his eye problems.

His Visor

1st pic upper left has a good shot of it.

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anyone know what model heatley's visor is? i'm pretty positve its an oakley, but i've never seen it before. i'm looking for a wider shield like that. the pro aviator is the closest i've come and that's not nearly the same size as heatley's. thanks.

Does his attach at the top or just he sides...I found this on the CCM site VC910


Maybe Heatley has a modified version of this one??????

His visor doesn't have an ark in it and it's espescially long because of his eye problems.

His Visor

1st pic upper left has a good shot of it.

Tthe fourth pic on that page has the arc in it. Also the second pic gives a good view of Heatley's all black Stealth

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