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The best hockey magazine

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I am from New Zealand and we don't really get hockey magazines here so I was thinking about subscribing to one! My question is to all you hockey magazine readers, which is the best one to subscribe to? Why? And how often does it come out?

Thanks for your help! :D

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I always liked The Hockey News but they were pretty bad about getting issues to me on time, let alone to New Zealand.

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The Hockey News has great columns, stats, and features. It's in the form of a newspaper rather than a magazine. I've never had a problem with them delivering issues to me in N. BC.

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Honestly save you're money and use the internet, you'll get the information faster. By the time you get any magazine you will have read up on all the articles anyway if you follow the sport closely. If not you can always go to http://www.thehockeynews.com they have online versions of most of the articles and its free and always there unlike my paper subscription which is hit or miss.

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