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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Pro P4

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Ok...I've tried the MSH pattern DB and the Easton Blade Key....and I dont see this anywhere...what is a Eatson Pro P4 equal to?

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As far as I know that was a european retail pattern in either 2002 or 2003. If we are thinking the same P4. They had P4 and P23. Both were only available in the regular (non grip) Synergy and only 100 Flex I think. They were both adopted from the Titan/Jofa TS4 and TS23 curves which were pretty much the most popular european retail curves of the of the last decades. If you haven´t seen a TS4, here is a picture. 4.gif

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I broke my Sherwood Spezza (I really liked that blade) and they didn't have any Sherwood blades. These were $9.99 so I bought 2...what the hell...can't hurt my shot...my shot sucks *L*

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That blade looks tiny, almost like a junior. It doesn't look too long either. Is the curve legal? Looks borderline.

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That blade looks tiny, almost like a junior. It doesn't look too long either. Is the curve legal? Looks borderline.

He's Canadian, they don't bother measuring curves anymore.

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That blade looks tiny, almost like a junior. It doesn't look too long either. Is the curve legal? Looks borderline.

No...says Sr on the tag....and...I doubt anyone in my pick up beer league is gonna have a gauge for blade curve *L*

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