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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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taper blade - what's the most durable?

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Hi guys,

I just bought an innovative 1100 taper shaft paired with a prostock innovative blade and after a week the blade split on me.

I'd like to pick up a new blade to use for indoor rollerhockey. What's the most durable taper blade on the market? I'm more into the economics of this question because I don't have the $$ to buy a new blade every week.


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umm..i'm not sure...it's not the plastic tile...so i'm guessing painted concrete...i'm not sure though

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Innos are probably the most durable graphite blades on the market. It should of lasted you longer though (depending on how you play) but you can't expect too much when your pounding anything against something like concrete.

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Koho wood blade last about 1 month and I play 3 hours a day everyday. So these blades are very resistant and goes pretty well. You can also play with an ABS blade but I don't like the feel of these kind of blades.

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Koho wood blade last about 1 month and I play 3 hours a day everyday. So these blades are very resistant and goes pretty well. You can also play with an ABS blade but I don't like the feel of these kind of blades.

Are those tapered blades?

I found my synthesis blade to be pretty durable on painted concrete (just an arena without ice, maybe a light coating). I've heard of some people putting Protect-Toe on the bottom of their blades to help durability. You may also want to consider shaving down ABS blades to fit into tapered shafts.

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